Donations of Equipment, Money, or Scholarship

Donations of Equipment, Money, or Scholarship Form

  1. Employee Information: Please provide the following details as the person completing this form:

    1. Name: [Insert Employee Name]

    2. Email: [Insert Employee Email]

  1. Campus Selection: Choose the campus you are affiliated with from the provided dropdown menu.

  2. Donations Administrator Email: Enter the email address of the designated donations administrator at your campus who oversees donation-related matters.

  3. Program or Department Receiving Donation: Specify the exact program or department within the institution that will receive this donation.

  1. Donor Information: Provide the details of the business, organization, or individual contributing the donation.

DO NOT USE EIN or website names for business identification purposes.

Donation Type:

  1. Equipment Donation: If selecting equipment donation:

    1. Complete all required fields related to the donated equipment, including description, estimated value, Serial Number, Model Number, manufactured date, specific use, and disposal requirements.


  1. Monetary Donation: If selecting monetary donation:

    1. Specify the exact amount being donated.

    2. Outline any specific instructions or restrictions on how the funds should be used.

    3. Detail the intended purpose or destination of the donated money within the institution.

  2. Activity Fund Donation: If selecting an activity fund:

    1. Clearly state the specific activity fund within the institution that the donation is intended to support.

  1. Scholarship Donation: If selecting a scholarship donation:

    1. Clearly indicate the scholarship amount being contributed.

    2. Include any requirements or specifications related to the scholarship.

  1. Documentation: If there are any pertinent documents related to the donation (such as agreements, receipts, or contracts), please attach them to this form.

  2. Signature: Sign the form electronically, verifying the accuracy and authenticity of the provided information.

  3. Submit.

    1. This form goes to the Superintendent of Kiamichi Tech .

      1. You will receive an email if it is denied or approved.